Chapter 8: On Young Ghanaian Women Being, Becoming, and Belonging in Place
[An open source publication/ebook is free.]
See chapters listed below L to R:
Endarkening, Engendering and Embodying, Theorizing Intersectional Racial Literacy
My Sister, My Brother, Myself, Critical Exploration of Sexism and Misogyny at The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
Let My Soul Spit: Young People Write for Reflection and Inspiration
About Content, Perspective, Dialogue
. . . a practical, insightful and accessible guide that will prove particularly relevant to those who work with students in urban schools and communities. Pedro Noguera
. . . . not only an instructional roadmap, but a moral compass for working with Black and Latino/a students as if they matter. A. Lin Goodwin
A must read for all who are involved in adolescent development [and] work to close the achievement gap.
Sabrina Hope King
. . a gift that is urgently needed. . . . It is not a quick fix, not a simple recipe, but it is a workable investment that will empower teachers to teach and students to learn, all students.
Ruth Charney
. . . has the 'flava,' power and demonstrated street cred to transform young people through a thorough exploration of community, culture, history - and self.
Reverend Alfonso Wyatt